Monday, December 17, 2007

the real skeptic.

peter bros is a voice of challenge to the religion of science.

he challenges the basic assumptions of the dogma that science has used to dumb us into not asking obvious questions about the silly answers science provides us in describing reality.

granted scientific inquiry has provided a platform for engineering over the last few centuries for bridge building, auto manufacturing, computers, etc......but what about the big questions?

what is gravity?

how was the universe created?

what is electricity?

science provided us with measurements and theories and hypothesises, which are fine, but when we reach the conclusion we are none the wiser.

we are at the point where we need to have a science and technology that serves our needs, as opposed to feeding scientists for continuing to provide answers that are unproveable.

the big bang for instance; what is that?

and what IS electricity. we all know what it does and it`s effects. simple observation provides those answers. we want to know what it is, so that we can discover new uses and functions of this energy source.....or possibly new and better ones....because that`s how minds work.

and what is gravity?

and objects moving in a straight line unless effected by an outside source?

the only place in the universe where that happens is an object falling in gravity.

everything else bends, twists and turns.

certainly science hasn`t addressed these issues. science has merely made bold, unproveable statements and gone back to thier desks knowing that nobody will challenge the "big bang" or any other answer in a meaningful way.

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