Saturday, December 8, 2007

well, well, well.

this is the emerging of the trance formation.

i am moving rapidly from the hypgnosys paradigm.

it is not that i will cease to post there, it is just that i felt that the hypgnosys field was too restricting for what now needs to be said.

those who venture here will be provided with reports from the edge.

not the edge of some "sanity" described by modern society, but the edge of left-brain perception and beyond.

the last few years of discussion at hypgnosys has sharpened my focus on what is "real" and that which is merely contained in a semantic tunnel reality that 500 years of technological self-referencing has created.

the machine mind, i.e. that part of us that interacts with tools and machinery, has become anesthetised and reduced to task-oriented gestures that have all but destroyed aspects of our consciousness that we had access to before the printed word emerged.

the reading, writing and arithmetic have allowed us to help manifest the glory of modern society in it`s technological magnificence.......but at what cost?

the cost is only now being assessed via inquiry into what have come to know as culture, society, politics and humanity it`s self.

granted this inquiry has always occured, but for the most part the inquiry was in universities and boardrooms.

the shift has occured as the internet has become a normal communication tool, allowing the average person with questions the means to find answers.....or at least better questions to propel thier inquiry.

and so.....on with the questions.

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